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We listen to what our clients require and where necessary are always keen to meet with and get a detailed brief and an idea of budget. Based on the information gathered, we then design and propose a cost effective solution fit for purpose. At time of order we carry out an in-depth site survey where we then produce technical drawings for your approval. Once approved, off to the factory they go.

Saltaire Signs is committed to supplying quality signs for customers. We should be able to cover most of your signage needs making it a one stop shop. To name a few; LED Neon, Neon, Fascia Signs, Projecting Signs, Totems, Wall Graphics, Window Vinyls and Manifestations, Vehicle Wraps and more.

Once your signs are made, its time for install! Our certified and trusted install crews located throughout the UK can assist with installs, low level or high level, rain or shine, even abseiling if required. Saltaire Sign's number one priority is to make sure our customers are happy at the end of it.

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